Emoticon Use From East to West

Emoticons become ever more prevalent in the text-based communications of today, giving context for written communication such as emails, texts and online forum posts. Just as facial expressions and body language do in personal interactions, these animations serve a similar purpose. If a business or brand intends to succeed in their messaging across cultural and

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Popular Machine Learning Data Skills

Machine learning is a rapidly growing segment of computer science and engineering. The discipline combines skills from multiple areas including programming, computer science, information technology, data science and engineering. The general idea behind machine learning is to give computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. They are valuable for any business and customer

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What’s new with neural machine translation

Originally published at PangeaMT blog I recently attended TAUS Tokyo Summit, where neural machine translation (NMT) was a hot topic. As Macduff Hughes from Google put it “Neural machine translation was a rumor in 2016. The first releases and tests happened six months ago and now it is here.”  Although it is early days to

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Write for us (and get paid)!

Dear readers, If you have some great content that you would like to share with your peers, we have some great news for you. From now onwards, we will be accepting high quality guest blog posts for publishing in the NLPPeople blog on a paid basis. There are only two requirements to the content we

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New Open Source Tool – TM Cleaner

We are happy to announce Translation Memory (TM) Cleaner , a software for identifying the translation units in translation memories or parallel corpora that contains segments that are not translations of each other. TM Cleaner has the following features : 1. It is written in python and java. 2. It is hosted at github :

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NLP People: the 2016 NLP job market analysis

One year after its launch, NLPPeople analysed the hundreds of job ads that had been published on its website during that time. In a blog post we discussed the supremacy of the US in NLP jobs, the imbalance between industry and academia, among other other striking patterns. Almost three years later it’s time to take

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Free summer schools in Corpus linguistics and other digital methods: Lancaster University, 12-15 July 2016

Lancaster University is pleased to offer six free training events that cover the techniques of corpus linguistics, computational analysis of language and geographical information systems. The following six Summer Schools will run in July 2016: o Corpus linguistics for Language studies o Corpus linguistics for Social Science o Corpus linguistics for the Humanities o Statistics

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