What is a Data Scientist’s career path

First job Any career path starts from the first job. So, how can a green data scientist get it? Be ready to face the situation when a hiring manager has a foggy notion of what data science is. You need to check firstly, if it is a real job for a Data Scientist. During the

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Why Machines Alone Cannot Solve the World’s Translation Problem

Sixty years ago this week, scientists at Georgetown and IBM lauded their machine translation “brain,” known as the 701 computer. The “brain” had successfully translated multiple sentences from Russian into English, leading the researchers to confidently claim that translation would be fully handled by machines in “the next few years.” Fast forward six decades, and

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ECMLPKDD 2015 : Nectar Track

The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECMLPKDD 2015) will take place on September 7 of 2015, in Porto Portugal (http://www.ecmlpkdd2015.org/) and includes a Nectar Track that offers conference attendees a compact overview of recent scientific advances at the frontier of machine learning and data mining with

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