2nd Summer School on Integrating Vision & Language: Deep Learning – Preliminary Announcement

PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT iV&LSS 2016: Deep Learning The 2nd Summer School on Integrating Vision and Language 21?24 March 2016, University of Malta, Malta Organised by ICT COST Action IC1307 The European Network on Integrating Vision and Language (iV&L Net) – Combining Computer Vision and Language Processing For Advanced Search, Retrieval, Annotation and Description of Visual Data

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How machine learning will affect your business

Machine learning techniques may have been used for years, but recently there has been an explosion in their applications. In fact, in a recent Q3 earnings call, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said “Machine learning is a core, transformative way by which we’re re-thinking how we’re doing everything.” And they’re far from the only business making

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NAACL 2016 Student Research Workshop (SRW)

NAACL 2016 Student Research Workshop (SRW) CALL FOR PAPERS ### NAACL 2016 Student Research Workshop (SRW) ### The SRW workshop will be held in conjunction with NAACL HLT 2016 in Diego, California. Main conference: June 13-15, 2016 Paper Submission Deadline: March 11, 2016 (11:59pm PST) ### General Invitation for Submission #### The Student Research Workshop

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[SIMPDA2015] BLACK FRIDAY: Early Registration extended until 28/11/2015

With the increasing automation of business processes, growing amounts of process data become available. This opens new research opportunities for business process data analysis, mining and modeling. The aim of the IFIP 2.6 International Symposium on Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis is to offer a forum where researchers from different communities and the industry can

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Predicting change in the Alzheimer’s brain

MIT researchers are developing a computer system that uses genetic, demographic, and clinical data to help predict the effects of disease on brain anatomy. In experiments, they trained a machine-learning system on MRI data from patients with neurodegenerative diseases and found that supplementing that training with other patient information improved the system’s predictions. In the

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5 Ways Machine Learning Is Reshaping Our World

Who here remembers taking computer programming in school? Whether you learned programming by punching holes in a never ending series of cards, or by writing simple DOS or other computer language commands, the fact remained that computers needed an incredibly precise set of instructions to accomplish a task. The more complicated the task, the more

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Student Grants for FIRE 2015

We are pleased to announce availability of a limited number of Student Grants for attending FIRE 2015. This includes Student Travel Grants and Lower Registration rates for Student participants, details of which are mentioned at http://fire.irsi.res.in/fire/student_grants. The deadline for application is 25th November. Applicants shall be notified about the decision by 28th November. Priority will

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Deep learning: why should you care?

Deep learning is currently taking the IT world by storm. Facebook, Bloomberg and Google are actively exploring deep learning techniques. Thousands of deep learning startups operating in various industries raise seed funding every day. If you like traveling, have the budget and want to find out more about deep learning technology, there are so many

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