Summer School in English Corpus Linguistics

The Survey of English Usage at University College London (UCL) will be running the fourth three-day Summer School in English Corpus Linguistics on 6-8 July 2016. The Summer School in English Corpus Linguistics is an introduction to Corpus Linguistics for students of language and linguistics and teachers of English. Participants should have a basic knowledge

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Summer School in English Corpus Linguistics

The Survey of English Usage at University College London (UCL) will be running the fourth three-day Summer School in English Corpus Linguistics on 6-8 July 2016. The Summer School in English Corpus Linguistics is an introduction to Corpus Linguistics for students of language and linguistics and teachers of English. Participants should have a basic knowledge

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The 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval : Student Travel Grant

The 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval 20-23 March 2016 Padua, Italy Student Travel Grant Deadline: 19 February 2016 ########################################################## The ECIR 2016 conference is pleased to announce the availability of 15 student travel grants made available by ELIAS ( Grant Scope ————— The ECIR 2016 student travel grant program provides up to

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Automating the Data Scientist

Talk about a fraught concept, this one ought to give you the willies. I don’t mean to be a Luddite about the magical abilities of technology but the concept here is to replace data scientists with software. As long as I have practiced in data science I am constantly coming upon new and unexpected reasons

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Neural Machine Translation system at LISA

Our network was trained on a lot of data from the United Nations and the European Parliament, so these are the kind of sentences that it does well on. Give them a try! Economic growth has slowed down in recent years. The war in the Middle East is almost over. The European Parliament has decided

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eBay MT Language Specialists Series: Types of Content @ eBay

eBay’s Machine Translation (MT) engine currently handles only user-generated (UG) content; all eBay-generated content is translated by our talented localization team. It is common knowledge that UG text can get pretty noisy; most common issues include typos, non-dictionary terms, etc. At eBay, however, we deal with more than that. In the next series of articles

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