Recruitment Services

As the world’s leading AI & NLP job-board, we hope you get what you need out of your advertising campaign on our site. However, we know that from time-to-time, the kind of people you are looking for are in such short supply, or are so difficult to find, that advertising alone doesn’t give you the

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A Chat With Data Scientist

Some time ago we came across an extremely insightful interview given by Claudia Perlich, Chief Scientist at Dstillery (formerly Media6Degrees) to Gilt Tech. Here we publish an excerpt, while the link to the original publication can be found at the bottom.      You’ve written that “For me, clean data (cleansed by somebody else) is

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Interview with Viktoria Denisova

Our previous post gave a brief introduction into the world of data mining and data analysis. Today we have an interview with a recent data mining graduate who is looking forward to apply data mining techniques she learned in the university’s classroom to the real-word data forecasting problems.   

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Why is Big Data Becoming So Popular?

Big Data

Big Data is thought to be a powerful new technology that gives answers to many consumer-focused and point-of-sale questions companies are asking nowadays. Even more, it allows to provide insights into new questions and tasks data owners did not even think about in the past. How do you know exactly what are the main components of Big Data?

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Search Candidates

We are working hard to prepare access and search facilities for our CV database. Soon you will be able to access rich and unique candidates database with specific skills and experience in NLP, Machine Learnig, Data Mining and Localization! You will not have to search further – the right candidate is waiting for you in

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CS109 Data Science: Review of Harvard Course

Data Science

How much do you know about the big data technology? Are you aware of most probable future trends in big data analytics? These questions and many others have been covered in the Harvard course on data science. Here we present the review written by Natalia Konstantinova, an expert in information extraction and data analysis.  

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Interview with Arianna Bisazza

Talented researchers and developers come to NLP from different backgrounds. Recently, we interviewed one of the most promising young researchers working in the field of machine translation who used to study oriental languages at the earliest stage of her career.  

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Careers beyond industry: options in academia

One month ago we published report describing key requirements employers seek in ideal job candidates in industry. In this publication, we will try to undertake a similar research for academic jobs. There are a lot of disparities in the lifestyle, the approach to manage projects and the working culture between academia and industry. Different way

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