WS15: summer research opportunity for Juniors

The University of Washington is hosting the 2015 Jelinek Summer Workshop on Speech and Language Technology (JSALT), in cooperation with the JHU Center for Speech and Language Processing. We are seeking outstanding members of the current junior class to join a summer research workshop on language engineering from June 22 to August 14, 2015. Please

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Facebook acquires, a startup that lets developers add Siri-like language processing to their apps, the Y Combinator-backed startup that enables developers to add Siri-like language processing to their apps, has been acquired by Facebook. According to a blog post from the startup, is joining the social network, though its “platform will remain open and become entirely free for everyone,” it says.’s API lets developers add voice

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Starting your own NLP business – part 2

In this post we continue presenting the main groups of factors that influence any young NLP company by example of a Machine Translation startup in Europe. Here, we will cover the following areas: Technology&Research, Data, Evaluation, Resources and Translators & Post-editors. Please refer to the previous post for the rest of the discussion. .  

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