10 ways our data overlords could serve us better

I honestly believe data can save the world if we get out of its way. This getting out of the way of data goes by another name: transparency. While I deeply respect the people who still fight the battle for our privacy, privacy and the Fourth Amendment are pretty much dead. The “man” will always be watching and will always find a way to justify a search or seizure. We, the people, might as well enjoy some of the benefits of our burgeoning, “1984”-ish surveillance state.

That said, like anyone, I’m often creeped out by items the companies send me that indicate they know a little too much about me. However, I’m often equally surprised and annoyed when they don’t. The Dead Kennedys said it best: Give me convenience or give me death.

Read more at: http://www.infoworld.com/article/2915921/application-development/data-could-serve-us-better.html

Source: InfoWorld

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