RBMT summer school in Alacant

I’d like to announce that we are organising a summer school in free/open-source rule-based machine translation in Alacant from the 11th to the 22nd of July, 2016. The course will cover rule-based machine translation paradigms from direct translation to interlingua translation, the whole Vauquois pyramid! Practical work will be based on the following free/open-source systems:

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2nd Summer School on Integrating Vision and Language: Call for Participation

2nd Summer School on Integrating Vision and Language (iV&LSS 2016): Deep Learning 21?24 March 2016, University of Malta, Malta Organised by ICT COST Action IC1307 The European Network on Integrating Vision and Language (iV&L Net) – Combining Computer Vision and Language Processing For Advanced Search, Retrieval, Annotation and Description of Visual Data About iV&L Net:

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Machines, Lost In Translation: The Dream Of Universal Understanding

It was early 1954 when computer scientists, for the first time, publicly revealed a machine that could translate between human languages. It became known as the Georgetown-IBM experiment: an “electronic brain” that translated sentences from Russian into English. The scientists believed a universal translator, once developed, would not only give Americans a security edge over

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Free Lancaster Summer schools in Corpus linguistics and other Digital method

Lancaster Summer Schools in Corpus Linguistics and other Digital methods Lancaster University, UK – 12th to 15th July 2016 Lancaster University is pleased to offer six free training events that cover the techniques of corpus linguistics, computational analysis of language and geographical information systems. The following six Summer Schools will run in July 2015: o

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MPhil Linguistic Engineering at VU Amsterdam

The MPhil Linguistics at the VU University Amsterdam now offers a two-years specialization in Linguistic Engineering. Linguistic Engineering is a young research field that holds a unique position between linguistics and computer science. The program is offered by the Computational Lexicology and Terminology Lab (CLTL), a leading research group in computational linguistics. Bachelors in linguistics,

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CWE 2016 – call for PhD Symposium papers

The ICWE 2016 PhD Symposium aims to improve the research of PhD students and broaden their perspectives by giving them the opportunity to share and develop their research ideas in a supportive environment, get feedback from senior members of the Web engineering community, improve their communication skills, exchange ideas and build relationships with other international

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Startups: To Localize or Not to Localize?

Wells Fargo’s recent International Business Indicator Survey indicated that 69 percent of businesses in the U.S. are conducting business internationally and 54 percent of mid-size U.S. businesses see international markets as increasingly important to their financial success. But where does that leave startups and early-stage companies? Setting the startup stage We can all appreciate the

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