New NLP People is online!

We are thrilled to announce a major NLP People design and functionality upgrade. Please check out the bunch of new features we have rolled out for you: Responsive, modern and clean design Improved job listing presentation (with comprehensive companies’ info) Easy ‘Apply with LinkedIn’ functionality (for applicable jobs) Configurable job alerts Job bookmarking Save job

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Popular Deep Learning Tools – a review

Deep Learning is the hottest trend now in AI and Machine Learning. We review the popular software for Deep Learning, including Caffe, Cuda-convnet, Deeplearning4j, Pylearn2, Theano, and Torch. c comments By Ran Bi. deep-learningDeep Learning is now of the hottest trends in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, with daily reports of amazing new achievements, like

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For Big-Data Scientists, ‘Janitor Work’ Is Key Hurdle to Insights

Technology revolutions come in measured, sometimes foot-dragging steps. The lab science and marketing enthusiasm tend to underestimate the bottlenecks to progress that must be overcome with hard work and practical engineering. The field known as “big data” offers a contemporary case study. The catchphrase stands for the modern abundance of digital data from many sources

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first Call for Participation of DL4MT Winter School

First Call For Participation: DL4MT Winter School Deep Learning for Machine Translation 18-24 October 2015, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland We would like to announce the Deep Learning For Machine Translation (DL4MT) Winter School at Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland. Over the last several years, Deep learning (DL) has been the driving force behind

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Summer School on Convex & Discrete Optimization

We invite you to participate in the DIKU/DTU Summer School on Convex & Discrete Optimization. This is the seventh in a series of summer schools organized jointly by the Image Group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen and the Image Analysis and Computer Graphics section at the Technical University of Denmark. The

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first Call for Participation of DL4MT Winter School

First Call For Participation: DL4MT Winter School Deep Learning for Machine Translation * 18-24 October 2015, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland * We would like to announce the Deep Learning For Machine Translation (DL4MT) Winter School at Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland. Over the last several years, Deep learning (DL) has been the driving

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Python Packages For Datamining

The intelligent key thing is when you use the same hammer to solve what ever problem you came across. Like the same way when we intended to solve a datamining problem we will face so many issues but we can solve them by using python in a intelligent way. In very next post I am

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