Our team of experienced Machine Translation practitioners will help you clearly see how MT and adjacent technologies can help you optimize your translation processes and enable new use cases.
In particular, we will be happy to:
- Create the business case for implementing Neural MT in your organization
- Deliver a best-practice implementation guide for how to implement NMT, including processes, systems, technology, people, training, quality evaluation and roll-out plan.
- Assess risks on usage of MT including security and privacy concerns and considerations
- Provide a competitor analysis on how industry leaders are using MT, how they are selling it (a separate service vs a part of existing service, with discount) etc.
- Advise you on a remuneration model for post-editors/translators, and pricing model for clients
- Recommend best practice tools, such as Translation Management Systems (TMS) that work well with MT engines.
- Advice and, if needed, development of the training program for post-editors
- Recommendations for MT engines most suitable for your use case(s) and assessment of the integration effort with your current TMSs (if any)
Contact us at info@nlppeople.com if you are ready to onboard Machine Translation technologies.