
What we are looking for

As a Staff AI Engineer, you will develop state-of-the-art foundational earth system models based on machine learning and open and proprietary data. As part of our fast-moving research team, you will be working on developing and improving our deep learning-based algorithms and have great creative freedom and influence. Based on the latest publications, you will test and implement state-of-the-art algorithms and approaches and, together with the team, build robust and sustainable machine learning pipelines for live operation.

Responsibilities and tasks
• Developing and improving deep learning-based weather forecasts with state-of-the-art technologies
• Training these models on our GPU cluster
• Developing new algorithms from the idea through the prototype to live operation
• Testing, validating, visualizing, as well as documenting new approaches and their performance

• You have at least 5 years of professional experience in Machine Learning…… (ignore this point if you can prove in another way to have exceptional skills in that regard)
• You are proficient in Python
• You are familiar with the common machine learning frameworks (PyTorch or FLAX)
• You are very strong in linear algebra and have a clear understanding of the detailed processes going on in deep neural networks
• You are familiar with SOTA transformer architectures like GPT, Bart or Swin Transformer
• You have implemented at least one SOTA paper successfully from scratch by reading & understanding the paper
• You are familiar with common techniques like gradient clipping, layer parallelism or mixed precision to train very deep networks
• You are familiar with distributed training using both PyTorch build-ins as well as libraries like Huggingface Accelerate or Microsoft Deepspeed
• You have an intrinsic interest in improving our life on Earth with technology
• You have experience in handling and training with large amounts of data (>1TB)
• You like to move fast, break things, take risks, think out of the box, iterate & learn fast
• You have experience working in the cloud

• You are familiar with experiment tracking tools (like WandB or ML flow)
• You have experience with GIS-based data such as satellite, radar or radiosondes
• You have experience running Machine learning workloads in production environments

Even if you don’t have all the qualifications but are enthusiastic about the job, we would be happy to get to know you! We believe that anyone interested in a topic can learn something new. So don’t hesitate to apply




Language requirements:

Specific requirements:

Educational level:

Level of experience (years):

Senior (5+ years of experience)

Tagged as: Clustering, Industry, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, NLP, Switzerland




Language requirements:

Specific requirements:

Educational level:

Level of experience (years):

Senior (5+ years of experience)

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