


University of Turku


The project goals span both linguistics and NLP, and candidates with various backgrounds in, e.g., corpus linguistics, computer science, or related fields are encouraged to apply. We hope you have

A doctoral or master’s degree
Programming skills (python / R, command-line Unix environments (CSC))
Knowledge of computational methods in NLP and/or corpus linguistics (such as deep learning, Huggingface, processing very large datasets, statistical modeling)
Depending on your profile, familiarity with register studies, corpus linguistics, and/or machine learning methods in NLP
Ability to work independently while also taking responsibility for the research group’s activities
An understanding of multidisciplinary research
If the selected candidate does not hold a doctoral degree at the start of employment, the position will be filled with the title of Project Researcher. According to the University of Turku Regulations, a Project Researcher is required to have a higher university degree.

We value equality and diversity in our work community and encourage qualified applicants, regardless of background, to apply for our open positions.

Educational level:

Ph. D.

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About University of Turku

University of Turku is a school in Turku.