
Company InfoTuring is a company that specializes in research and development of autonomous driving and product development. In the team, we conduct research and development of large-scale GPU clusters, and use machine learning models and real-world 5 autonomous driving to develop the infrastructure for autonomous driving. In the product team, we develop autonomous driving functions in a product-centric manner.

Job SummaryIn the team, we conduct research and development of machine learning models and AI in deep learning for autonomous driving with real-world 5 or more autonomous driving, and improve the accuracy and performance of AI models for autonomous driving in the product team. Experience in basic programming skills such as Python and C++ and development experience in a project team are required.

In the team, we develop the infrastructure for autonomous driving using large-scale GPU clusters, and use machine learning models and real-world 5 autonomous driving to develop…… the infrastructure for autonomous driving. In the product team, we conduct the development of autonomous driving functions, machine learning, software, integration, and wide-ranging specialized expertise. We also conduct research and development in the fields of machine learning, infrastructure other than real-world 5 autonomous driving, and natural language processing, implementation, and proposal of new AI models, and practical experience in AI model development, data analysis, and other product development is required in the product team.

Experience in the latest research in machine learning, possible implementation of basic algorithmic implementation such as Python, practical experience related to machine learning models and real-world 5 autonomous driving in the field of machine learning, basic programming skills such as Python, C++, knowledge and experience in team development, experience in commercial products, software development, and technical documentation, and experience in necessary development for product development such as design plans, evaluation reports, and interface design

Welcomed Skills
Experience in achieving results of Master or higher in Kaggle’s Competition, selection results in thesis writing and international conferences, presentation of research papers in the field of ML engineering, participation in seminars and workshops, experience in software development of SaaS, management related to cloud, experience in algorithm design and implementation, experience in competitive programming at AtCoder

AI, Computer Vision, PyTorch, Opencv, MMDetection, Hugging Face, CUDA, onnx, WanB, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Python, C++, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Autonomous Driving, Infrastructure for Autonomous Driving, natural language processing




Language requirements:

Specific requirements:

Educational level:

Level of experience (years):

Senior (5+ years of experience)

Tagged as: Clustering, Data Analysis, Industry, Japan, Natural Language Processing, NLP




Language requirements:

Specific requirements:

Educational level:

Level of experience (years):

Senior (5+ years of experience)

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